Thread Herring

Thread herring, also known as greenback herring or scaled sardines, can be an excellent choice for offshore bait when targeting a variety of saltwater gamefish. Here’s how to use thread herring effectively:


25 LB Box Bulk, 5 lb box

  • Selecting Fresh Thread Herring: Look for vibrant herring with clear, shiny scales and a strong, undamaged tail. Freshness is especially important when fishing for pelagic species.
  • Hook Placement: Thread herring are typically hooked through the nose or the back near the dorsal fin. This allows them to appear swimming naturally and attract the attention of predatory fish. The choice of hook size depends on the size of the herring and the species you’re targeting.
  • Using Bait: Cut the herring into chunks or strips and use them as dead bait. This can be effective for various offshore species, especially if you want to target bottom-dwelling fish.
    Chumming: Similar to using mullet, thread herring can also be used for chumming. Chumming with small bits of herring can attract fish to your area and create a feeding frenzy.
  • Rigging: The rig you use will depend on the species you’re targeting. For pelagic species like king mackerel or sailfish, you may want to use a fish-finder rig with a stinger hook. For bottom fishing or targeting reef species, a simple hook and leader setup will suffice.
    Match the Bait to the Target: Select thread herring of an appropriate size for the fish you’re targeting. Larger herring are generally better for larger species, while smaller ones can be more suitable for smaller gamefish.
  • Local Knowledge: Always consult with local anglers, guides, or bait shops for specific advice on using thread herring as bait in your area. They can provide valuable insights into the best techniques and bait preferences for your target species.

Keep in mind that the effectiveness of thread herring as offshore bait may vary depending on your location, the time of year, and the specific fish species you’re targeting. Experiment with different techniques and be patient, as fishing can sometimes require trial and error. Additionally, always adhere to local regulations and guidelines regarding baitfish and fishing practices to ensure responsible and sustainable fishing.